United Presbyterian Church of Belvidere
~ Is Called by God To Know Christ And To Make Him Known ~
JOIN US Sunday's 10AM for Worship and Church school either in-person or on FacebookLive.
Communion is the First Sunday of the month.
Simple quilts
Monday mornings, fall through spring. Contact Ann Rogers at 908-619-1351.
community lunch
Fridays at Noon (unless the yellow sign is not in the front of the Church)
Saturday, July 22, 2023, 2 pm
Yankee Brass Band with a concert in Garrett D. Wall Park.
- UPC will be selling their famous sausage and pepper, and sloppy joe sandwiches - concert will be inside if bad weatherSaturday, August 26, 2023, 9 am til noon
The Lord's Auction -- Handmade
- homemade, home grown, home cooked items go to the highest bidder;
- food for sale as wellSaturday, September 8, 2023
Belvidere's Heritage Day (Victorian Day)
- The church provides one of the main food concessionsSaturday, October 14, 2023, 9am-3pm
Craft and Vendor Fair with handmade and retail items for sale
Prayer List
Anna; Tony Assia; Auggie; Miriam Barton; Ed Bartron; Bob Benz; Robin Bibeault; Bill; Brenda; Brian; Bruce; Linda Buchman; Nona Califiore; Carol; Beverly Ciceran; Claire; Dagmar; Damian; Adam Davidson; “Grandpa” Larry Davidson; Clara Day; Linda DeMaris; Jens Denker; Lee Dickinson; Mary Donst; Diana Dunlap; Emma Kate; Tom Firth; Floyd; Forest and Arizona; Joan Fratezi's cousin Linda; John Fritts; Gabby; Rick Glass; Calvin Goodnik and his family in the passing of his father; Joe H.; Shirley Hackett; Joe and Mary Haschak; Gert Hoyt; Jean Hunt; Henry and Lenore; Ted and Patsy Hicks; Paula and Ken Hilliard; Gary Hoyt; Jill; Carey Johnson; Kathy; Kay; Ethel Kelly; Brad Kern; Margaret Klein; Nancy Kochanski; Rose Lightcap; Liz, John, and Sandy; Laurene Lippincott; Dee Lortie; Ken Loughlin; Louise and her son Joey; Johanna M.; Colten MacGregor; Andy Mapley; Mary Sue and Darrell; Johanna M.; Megan; Jackie Molette; Robert Myers; Sam Myers; Laurel Ogurkis; Mary Ott; Tammy Paul; Peter; Wayne Pfitzenmayer; Keith Ponnett; Billy Postma; George Reeder; Roberta; Louise Rousset; Sarah; Connie Schaumberg; Tom and Phyllis Schirmer; Scotty; Nik Sheats; Jean Spradlin; Stormy and Darcy; Dylan Stevely; Lou Stout; “Susie”; Rick and Joyce Sutton; Drew Szurek; Linda Szurek; John T.; Lori Taborelli; Ann Tan, in Brakeley; Tara, in the sudden loss of her mother; Marilyn Thompson; Toby; Chastity Tolentino; Marge Troutman; Tylene and Joe; Gary Valentine; Walt and Claire; William; Levi Wilson; Carol Young; Marilyn Zwarych
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I had an old man ask me tonight as I sat in an empty parking alot in the dark..a question...he said " if someone offered you a box with everything you've ever lost" what's the first things you'll look for ? I said the heart and soul I lost many years ago trying to save damaged souls from themselves...the piece of mind I use to have before I allowed my demons to take over...the track of time I lost...running and trying to please others when I wasn't myself...the day and the hours I stayed up thinking why wasn't I enough because of someone else...or trying to please someone else...the first day I was born so I could protect myself from those who meant me no good..only harm...the seconds I lost wondering if I was good enough to be loved by those who broke me...that moment where I sat up thinking to myself am I not enough or am I less because I have not enough...I went on to say a few more things and before I knew it that old man had shed a tear .saying I knew I had problems and was broken...but I never meant someone like you...I went on asking a question..saying if a eagle breaks his wing..can he still fly ? He said no because his wing is broken...I said only until he is healed...he can soar again. Thank you James B Eubank for sharing.